On-Line Games
The On-Line games, are a type of video games played with an other people on Internet. The most important "On-Line" games actually are:
World of Warcraft (WoW): World of Warcraft it's
a "MMORPG" (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), in World of Warcraft, you control a character of the differentes races, at the start of the game, you choose a race (Humans, Gnomes, Night Elves, Dwarves, Draeneis, Orcs, Taurens, Trolls, Not-Dead, Blood Elves) and a class (Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Paladin, Druid, Mage, Shaman, Priest, Warlock, Death Knight). Also this, you can choose a profession. After selecting this, you can fight with monsters (controlled by the computer) or with other persons, you can get objects, sell, buy, work etc.
The best of this game is the interaction with the other characters.
StarCraft (SC): Starcraft it's a "strategy" game, this game is different of the others, because you don't controll a character (you controll a group of soldiers, a buildings, tanks etc.).
You can choose one of three races, and you have to defeat the other players (controlled buy computer or by people) or complete an objective, the strategy to win depends of the race:
Zerg: The zerg are aliens similars to a insects, they haven'got technology, but have a very good production.
Protoss: Protos are aliens but more developed than the Zergs, and with aspect very futurist. They have the best technology of the game, and the worse production.
Terran: The Terran are humans of the space, and have a good technology and quick production.
Second Lif
e (SL): Second Life is a On-Line game based on the "avatars", the avatars are a recreations of the people in the virtual space, each avatar haves the name, aspect, clothes, style etc. similars to he real representation. With your avatar, you can speak and communicate with others avatars. Also you can do the activities and the tasks that you do in the real live. For example: Work, run, eat, speak, buy a house, buy a car, take a taxi, have sex with other avatars, etc. Second Life haves his own money, the "Linden ($L)". With this money you can buy new clothes or bulidings, food etc.
Second Life it's one of the most importants "virtual spaces" in the world, and have replications of politics, companies, musics etc.
Counter-Strike (CS): Counter Strike is a "First Action Game", in this game you control a terroris or a counter terroris. If you are a Counter Terrorist you'll have to kill the terrorist, rescue the hostages or desactivate the bomb (depends of the mision), and if you are a terrorist, you'll have to kill the counter-terrorists, put and protect the bomb or avoid the rescue of the hostages. Counter Strike is the onte of the most popular on-line games in the world. And is the most played, because you can play only a game, in te others when you play more, you have the best character, the best objects etc. Not in Counter-Strike.