Friday, February 23, 2007

Attack of ETA in Barjas (the airport of Madrid)

Already a time ago, the terrorist group armed with the Basque country: ETA, broke his high place the fire attempting with a car bomb in the terminus T-4 of Barajas, in the attempt, there died a young man of South American nationality, act that it moved to enormous masses of people of the same nationality in opposition to ETA. After the attempt, ETA declared that not like kill nobody and that the high place the fire follow advances, but the government and especially the opposition examination they do not think completely the same thing.
Credits: ETA

Second Life is a On-Line game of Avatars, in this game, you create your Avatar, and you you can speak with people, buy a house and even marry. Each personage is a real person who is connected to the game by means of her computer. This game is looked much like a game of Will Wright called the Sims, in which you must do the same, but interacting with personages controlled by the computer (IA) Mi opinion of this blog is a very good opinion, but i don´t believe that it gets to replace the MSN or etc. like mass media comunication.
Credits: Second Life

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna born in Rosario, Argentina, on the 14 june of 1928. He was doctor politician and guerrilla warfare. He fight for the free of the South American working town. He dead on 9 of October of 1967 on la Higuera, Bolivia, in hands of the Bolivian soldiers with the help of the North American CIA. But its death has not been able to silence to him, since its photo is one of the pluses reproducted to day of today at our time. Their political ideas began to arise from a trip that with made by South America with his friend Alberto Granado in a Northon 550 cc.
GreenHouse Effect

The Greenhouse effect is a layer of contamination in the atmosphere. The denominated gases of effect conservatory or gases conservatory, people in charge of the described effect, are: Water steam (H2O) Dioxide of carbon (CO2) Metano (CH4) Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) Ozone (O3), and Clorofluorocarburates (artificial). But there is people who by means of films or similars, have tried to disclose the fact that the ivernadero effect is something bad: this it is the case of Al Gore and its film an Uncomfortable Truth.

Credits: Greenhouse Effect