Vladimir Ilich Uliànov (Lenin)

Vladimir Ilich Ulianov "Lenin" was born in April 22 of 1870 in Russia, and he was died in January 21of 1924. He was an russian communist politician and a revolutionary. Was created a theory based on "Marxism" of Karl Marx. He put these theories in practice during the October Revolution.
When Lenin were young, he's brother Aleksander was captured and killed by the soldiers of Russian Zar. At this moment, Lenin starts to adopted revolutionary thinks, this year Lenin was captured by the same soldiers of Aleksander, and was placed under policial surveillance. Lenin starts write about political, economic and social situation, and develops his theory about the Marxism. Because of this, is exiled to Switzerland. When the first world war started, the fame of Lenin increase.
In 1917 Lenin causes the October Revolution. In the first part, the "Bolcheviques" and "Mencheviques" overthrowing the Russian Zar, and in the second part, the "Bolcheviques" and Lenin cause armed insurrection a takes the power of the government, and creates a new communist (Marxist-Leninist) govern, and a new group of different states, the USSR. This government was during until 1991.
The principal symbol of this ideology was fallen in 1991 (the USSR), but the original idea of Lenin stills survive in a differents political parties.
Credits: Lenin, USSR, October Revolution
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