Michael Fred Phelps (born 30 June, 1985) in Baltimore, Maryland.
When he was young, was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorderntion. He start to swimming at seven years old, because a solution for outlet his energy.
He was debuted with 15 years old in an Olympic Games (Sydney, 2000), but he wasn't won any.
Five months after the Sydney Olympics, Phelps broke the world record in the 200 m butterfly to become, at 15 years and 9 months, the youngest man ever to set a swimming world record.He brokes another time his own record at the 2002 Summer Nationals in Fort Laudale
In 2003, Phelps broke a new record, and broke another time his own record.
In the year 2004, Phelps was playing the Olympic Games of Atenas, he won six gold medls and two bronze medals.
At the 2007 World Championship , Phelps won seven gold medals, tying the record, and broke five world records. The 4x100 m medley relay team.
But his best performance was in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Michael won eight gold medals, he becomes the best swimmer and atlet of the Olympic Games History with 14 gold medals and 2 bronze medals.
Michael Phelps have the perfect phyisical to swim, because he's long and due his hyperactivity he can swim without tire.