Magic, is card game collectable of roll. In Magic there is two types of cards, spells and lands. A
nd the spells are: sorcceries, creatures, instants, artifacts and enchantements. In Magic, how in many other games, there are world-wide matches, national and local, in which the winners aside from taking a good sum of money, invent one card, and soon the equipment of Wizards of the Coast (the company that designs magics) publishes them. My favourite cards are Psichatog, L
ife from the Loam and Black Lotus. For me Magic is the best game of the world.

hello ulisess..
* we have to say you that..
..you're the best !
It's true..
..because you're a very, very, very, very funny person ..
..because you're nice ..
..because " nos aguantas " ^^
and a lot of things else =D
Jejejeee..eres la ostia uLi! [no se puuede traduciR]
ahhhh! ..and because you are really handsome! =P..
..Okeyy..it's everything..
byee !
kisseees xDD...
..nos da vergüenza ponerlo..
por ..
aida y leonoR..;)
uLi! we are here another time and a month later...
Our opiNioN is the saMe! [you know]
jejej yOu aRe the beSt peOpLe in the wOrLd!! anD we lOve you aloT!!
1kiss for u
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