Thursday, December 14, 2006

The "President" Bush in Estonia

Bush was in Estonia trying to find allies for “its” war against Iraq. Bush, he himself Bush that robbed elections to true president Al Gore, the one that received a report of the company that said that Bin Laden was going to atcar the United States with airplanes, the one that said that New Orleans was prepared to support the Hurricane Katrina etc. In my opinion, Bush is is not the authentic president, but somebody that a easy life has had thanks to its father. To more information visit the page of Michael Moore.


Magic, is card game collectable of roll. In Magic there is two types of cards, spells and lands. And the spells are: sorcceries, creatures, instants, artifacts and enchantements. In Magic, how in many other games, there are world-wide matches, national and local, in which the winners aside from taking a good sum of money, invent one card, and soon the equipment of Wizards of the Coast (the company that designs magics) publishes them. My favourite cards are Psichatog, Life from the Loam and Black Lotus. For me Magic is the best game of the world.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Internet & the Computers:

The Internet has benn created the Americans, because he have fear of a nuclear world war. Has been created in 1964. The first name of Internet are Arpanet, and his use it was only for the Secret Agencies of North-America, for example the C.I.A.
Was been created in the Cold War. The central idea of this network was to obtain that the information arrived at its destiny although part of the network was destroyed.

Monday, November 13, 2006


We group (the second ESO group). We are do a project with a school of Estonia, we plows in a proyect named e-twining, this proyect we do video conferences and interchange of e-mails, to each one has assigned to a boy or girl to him of the other school and we spoke by the MSN, this is to veri interesant project. The capital of Estonia is Talin.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween is a typical celebration of England and NorthAmerica. The origins of this party plows: It does some thousands of years, the Celtas was in which now we know like the Great Britain and France, and celebrated the New Year the 1 of November, his priests dedicated the night to Samhain, the horseman of the death. Great bonfires ignited; horses and, some times, until humans were sacrificed to drive away to the witches and the malignant spirits; then it is that in the Celta custom the deads returned, at night from Samhain, to ask foods to the alive ones, and the people that not towards pranks, cursed it, of there the tradition of the “Trick or Treat”.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Asimov was born in Petrovichi, Russia. Her family emigrated to the United States when she counted three years of age and she settled down in Brooklyn, N.Y. One graduated in the University of Columbia University in 1939 and obtained his doctorate in 1948. She integrated herself then in the teaching staff of the University of Boston, to which she was related since then.

Isaac Asimov, studied biochemistry and was Science-Fiction writer. He was one of the greater writers of this sort, and between its more outstanding titles they are:

- The triology of the foundation, composed by: Foundation, Foundation and Empire and Second Foundation.
- I, Robot.
- The god Themeselves.
- The Eternity end.
- The saga of Lucky Starr: Ranger of the space.
- And several books of scientific divulgation.

Isaac Asimov is my favourite writer, and for that reason I have done this blog on him.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


In the fifth aniversary of the crime of the twin towers in the World Trade Center in New York (U.S.A.). Usama Bin Laden has been say that he planing a others crime in others countrys. For example Israel. George Bush say that he continue fighting to the terrorism of the world an continue his war to Irak.
Tokio Basket World Cup

The last 4 of september the Spain selection wins the cup, but Pau Gasol (the better player of the selection) don’t play, because in the he has a break foot. We have a only one world cup of basket, is it the first. My Opinion: Spain win for differnce to Grece. The first part be empated, but in the second and the others Spain win for difference.
Günter Grass

The Noble prize Günter Grass reveal his belong to the Waffen SS in the age of 17 years old. The Waffen SS is the most bloddy secret group of the Nazi gobern. He say that never shooting weapon in he´s life. He’s writing a new book of this. Is a Biography tituled: To Pelling the Onions. He reveal this in the age of 83 years old.
The Germany World Cup

This summer has been celebrated the footbal world cup, this year the cup is in germany. Spain go to world cup and playing with: Arabia Saudí, Ucrania, France etc. Spain playing very good but France wins he and eliminated. The final: France v.s. Italy, Italy wins 1-1 in the penaltys. In my opinion the world cup is excelent. The selections of the all countrys of the world play in this game, and i like this.

Friday, July 21, 2006

The Underground Accident:
The last week of Jule a underground train of Valencia it had an accident due to the failure of the braking, many conductors had complained which it did not work well. Everything was because they did not want to have to pay to repair the train, because of that were 40 died and a pile of wounded. In my opinion, they must long ago have repaired the train.