Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The kids of 2º Eso, we have been seeing the film of Dracula in class of English, original version with subtitles in Spanish. But the true history of Dracula is…: Dracula was the general of the Rumanian army, but its authentic name was Vlad, the Empalador (called to him thus because the way until its castle was in favor full of the edges of empalada people burning, say that sometimes it hung them and it even burned them being alive.

I have read a book on very interesting Drácula that I recommend to everybody call “the Historian”


The Christmas in other countries

In other countries, the Christmas are seemed to those of Spain, they only change the kings of East. For Example:

In Italy, not are Kings, is a witch. And in Britain or United States are Saint Claus.
In Germany, for example, the day of after the supper of Christmas Eve, the children wait for with impatience the gifts. When he sounds a bell (that is placed behind the door of the hall), the children leave running because they know that underneath the tree are their gifts, but… they will not be able to open them until they at night do not sing the traditional carol of Peace “Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht”.

In Belgium they must by custom leave to slide the day of Christmas after the typical food to familar. The family to the complete one puts the skids and they slide by the frozen rivers. San Nicholas, visits the 4 of December the children of the city to verify that they have been good and two days later returns to leave to gifts and caramels to which they have behaved well and a small branch in the shoe to the bad kids.
This are only a small examples.


Christmas in Spain
In Spain important plows three days in Christmas:
The Goodnight day: In this day, the people meets for to have supper, in the night, the people goes to parties.
The Ancientnight day: This day is the last day of to year, and the people celebrates the last 12 seconds, eating 12 grapes (one for second).
The King's Day: In this day, the children of Spain receive gifts of the “kings” of East.
This plows the Christmas in Spain.
Credits: Photo

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas in Spain
In Spain important plows three days in Christmas:
The Goodnight day: In this day, the people meets for to have supper, in the night, the people goes to parties.
The Ancientnight day: This day is the last day of to year, and the people celebrates the last 12 seconds, eating 12 grapes (one for second).
The King's Day: In this day, the children of Spain receive gifts of the “kings” of East.
This plows the Christmas in Spain.